5 Early Season Deer Hunting Tips – How To Be A Pro
Beginning Thoughts
I don’t care how long you have been hunting, or if you have never been hunting! These Early Season Deer hunting tips are for you. I have found these techniques to be beneficial from the beginning of the season to the end. I still use these techniques even in places I could hunt blindfolded in. It is never a waste of time to prepare early for deer hunting season. Your chances are greater to kill a deer with early preparation. Let’s explore these actual tips.
1) Scout And Then Scout So More!
The old saying “Practice makes perfect” is so true for scouting deer early in the season. The more you scout the better you become at it. It will become second nature to you to know the patterns of deer in a particular area. We will take notice of changing landscapes that will affect the food sources of deer.
New Crops will be planted and dry areas will flood from too much rain. The familiar field will be cut in a different pattern or be covered in grass. Deer have plenty of food supplies in the early season. I would concentrate on finding big bucks who will beef up for the upcoming rut season. They will need the extra baggage for those ferocious battles they fight with other bucks to see who reigns supreme.
Be sure you set up field stands early in the season and plant plenty of trail cams in heavily populated deer trekking areas. Just enjoy the scout trip but keep your eyes open. You should do plenty of glassing on these scouting trips as well.
2) Be A Food/Plot Source Guru
We will find that knowing deer’s favorite food sources will make the difference between the kill and a wasted hunting trip. Deer are especially drawn to soybean and corn fields. They cannot get enough of either one of these gourmet dishes.
These fields will heavily outweigh any little food plot a hunter may plant to attract his prey. But don’t count out clover food plots especially if you can plant them early enough for them to be seen by deer in the early hunting season.
The best place to plant any food plot is near your stands in shady areas. In this way, the food will grow naturally in with the surrounding habitat. I have found the best types of clover to plant are white, Ladino or Durana. These latter two types of clover grow great with some shade. They also withstand browsing pressure from deer. (Browsing pressure is caused by the deer feeding on the clover) These plants are very alluring to deer and you don’t need equipment to plant them with.
3) More On Planting Clover Food Plots
You know that growing clover food plots is not a complicated task and requires minimal care. I have found that it’s not too early to plant deer clover plots at the end of the spring turkey hunting season. Beware that you should investigate particular clover seeds, and what clover types grow well in your geographical area. See which clover seeds are the best to be grown on your particular plot size.
The last thing you want to do is plant seeds that will yield the wrong size plants for your plot. Be sure you plant your clover plots away from busy roads which can be a negative deterrent for deer to approach. You may consider clearing pathways for hunters to approach your plots unnoticed. Also, these clear lanes will be easy thorough ways for deer.
4) Don’t Forget Advanced Technology Tips
Take advantage of this high-tech age. Part of your early deer hunting season preparation should be to hang high-tech eyes in deliberate areas where deer are known to travel. You want to consider the most strategic places to put as many cameras up as you can. Think about putting them over heavily populated areas where deer travel in ample numbers. Look to place the cameras over possible bedding locations and specific staging areas. Don’t forget to put cameras around food plot areas as well.
You may not be able to afford the very expensive camera equipment on the market today but don’t panic! The demand for trail camera equipment has risen sharply in recent times. You can now get reasonably priced mini-trail cameras. They come with many nice features including hi-speed trigger speeds. You can buy several of these cameras and set yourself up a nice surveillance perimeter.
5) Classic Early Season Deer Hunting Bow Techniques
I like to use this early season bow hunting tips as well. In my years of hunting these lessons have served me well. First off, you want to stay in good physical shape all year round for the early hunting season. You may seriously consider keeping your shooting accuracy and equipment in top form as well. Practice your bow shooting all year round. Keep your shooting eye sharp for when it will really count. A big buck the, size of a bull, strolls within shooting range and you miss it because you haven’t practiced sharp- shooting for months. You get the point.
The last thing you want to happen out in hunting land is to have your bow equipment fail. Strings will fray and moving parts will become rusty and squeaky. So keep those moving parts lubricated and clean. Replace those bowstrings well before hunting season starts. Most of all maintain your bow hunting equipment and keep your shooting form at its best.
Concluding Thoughts
This early season deer hunting tips have made all the difference in the world for me on my hunting trips. I have shared them with many of my hunting buddies and career hunters over the years. People who have put these tactics to use have noticeably increased the number of deer they have killed year in and year out.
I have shared these tips with you because I want to increase your success out in the field. If you apply these hunting principles; you will have much more fun bringing down those big bucks when early deer hunting season comes rolling around. Before you know it your trophy room will be filled with wall hangings.
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